From The Managing Committee’s Desk,

With a motto in mind of incentivising members to participate in the activities of the association as a first stage the Managing Committee at its first meeting resolved to have an online magazine where members of the Association could in their leisure time, in addition to read off the record, contribute with articles and could also share and gather information of ‘On and Off the Record’ matters concerning the legal fraternity. As a precursor to launching an online bi-monthly magazine, we decided to form amongst others a Magazine Committee under the able Chairmanship of Senior Adv. R. G. Ramani.

Senior Adv. R. G. Ramani magnanimously acceded to head and contribute along with his team namely, Adv. Amira A. Razaq, Adv. Nigel Costa Frais, Adv. Jagannath Jayant Mulgaonkar and Adv. Maria Simone Judith Correia. 

It gives me pleasure to mention that after due deliberation it was decided that the website and online magazine be launched today, in fact on a day when the Association celebrates the ‘Constitution Day’ i.e., the day the Country’s Constitution was signed. So today in reality you have the magazine ‘On and Off the Record’, the online and offline magazine with its editor Sr. Adv. R. G. Ramani who the committee entrusted the task of making this magazine a true ‘leisure companion’ of our members. One swallow doesn’t make Summer. Though we are sure that Sr. Adv. R. G. Ramani and his team will ensure that ‘On and Off the Record’ has come to stay with the association, yet his and his team’s pursuit will not  be a reality unless and until everyone of us contributes with ones bit to this magazine.

I, on behalf of the managing committee appeal to everyone of you to be not only readers but subscribers with articles to ‘On and Off the Record’. In order to facilitate access to the magazine the association is launching today also its own website i.e., so that members can have easy access to it on a dedicated basis. 

For a fact that some of us are not quite savvy, especially older generation like me with computer systems, the Magazine Committee proposes to have ‘On and Off the Record’ in a printed form. I am informed that the committee is working on the module. I do not propose to burden you with more rhetoric but I wind this from our desk with a request to all of you to join the Managing Committee as part of the team not only to make this magazine the member’s companion  but to make our other pursuits turn into reality. 

Thank you All. 

Senior Advocate J.E. Coelho Pereira